The acquiescent sports car has astronomic achievement potential: instead of the series-standard 525HP (386 kW), the 5.2 FSI in the ABT R8 GT R provides a massive 620HP (456 kW) and as a aftereffect the ablaze car campaign acutely quickly: the top acceleration is 325 km/h, it does 0-100 km/h in aloof 3.2 abnormal and the GT R alcove the 200km/h mark in a bald 9.9 seconds. In adjustment to ensure that the ability can be optimally activated on the alley and on the chase track, height-adjustable ABT Sports abeyance and adjustable dampers are accepted on the ABT R8 GT R. The bowl anchor arrangement with adapted anchor pads has been adapted to accommodated the astronomic achievement abeyant of the cool sports car.